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Group Accident Expense Insurance

Pays cash benefits for the most common accidents and procedures to help bridge the gap between medical costs and existing coverage. Benefits are offered across six care categories. We also offer a Prime Benefits plan designed to focus on 10 key benefits. 


Why Accident Expense?

Big or small, accidents happen and the costs related to recovery can add up. Accident Expense insurance provides cash benefits for expenses that may not be fully covered by major medical insurance.

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Group Accident Expense

Group Accident Expense insurance provides cash benefits for expenses that may not be fully covered by major medical insurance. Our plans are HSA-friendly – welcome news for those who want to preserve their savings or help bridge gaps in coverage like copays and deductibles.

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Prime Benefits

Group Accident Expense Insurance provides cash benefitsfor expenses that may not be fully covered by major medicalinsurance. The Prime plan is designed to respond to risingdeductibles and copays with meaningful benefits forsome of the most frequently used services resulting froman accidental injury.

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