We make enrollment fast and easy
The best enrollment system is the one that works for you.
Take advantage of the industry’s top enrollment platform, BenSelect from Selerix – or explore other platform options Assurity offers. Easily tailor your group’s enrollment options to keep business moving faster.
Assurity holds an enterprise license with BenSelect from Selerix, a best-in-class enrollment and admin platform that accommodates self-service and agent-/enroller-assisted enrollments. Assurity products may be built on Selerix at no cost to the employer.
Eligibility for existing Assurity employer groups will be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering group size, current participation level and number of Assurity products enrolled. Continued eligibility will be reviewed periodically using the same criteria.
For employer groups new to Assurity
- 10 minimum number of eligible employees
- 1 minimum number of Assurity products
- 10% minimum expected participation per product
Case Builds
Assurity will provide complimentary employer case build services on our license to the BenSelect platform. Employer case builds may also be completed on our license by any third party, broker-contracted resource holding an active support agreement for Selerix.
Assurity’s employer case build services include configuration of the employer and the Assurity products only. Broker-contracted resources building on the Assurity license may complete employer and Assurity product configuration, with additional responsibility for the following:
*Configurations of all non-Assurity products to be included in an employer group case
*Compliance with Assurity’s Rules of the Road (available on the Payer Products tab in BenSelect)
Note: Any fees associated with build services on Assurity’s license by broker-contracted resources are the responsibility of the broker.
Requests to use Assurity’s license for an employer group should be made to the Business Transformation team: businesstransformation@assurity.com
Selerix Employer Resiurces
Through EaseConnect, brokers can safely and securely submit enrollment data and changes directly to Assurity. It also offers clients 24/7 access to information and an easy way to update benefit selections.
Group Administration Resources
Bill Reconciliation System
View and reconcile your bill, change payor information and pay bills
Employee Navigator
Enrollment data and changes may be submitted directly to Assurity via a data exchange with Employee Navigator, a “one-stop shop” admin platform for new hire onboarding and online enrollments.
Other Platforms
Working with an employer using another platform? No problem. Assurity is willing and able to accept and process data files from most platforms and enrollment methods. We also offer census enrollment and simplified applications for employers who are not using an enrollment platform.